Philip Conkling and Associates bring an interconnected, ecological point of view to organizational development and project planning, helping organizations and businesses navigate the trade offs and long-term costs and benefits of their decision making within the environments in which they operate.
Find focus on key goals and strategies
At Philip Conkling & Associates, we have over 50 years of collective experience of assisting communities, organizations, businesses and individuals with the development of organizational strategies that have resulted in dramatic organizational growth based on clear goals, measurable objectives and achievable work plans. But most important of all is that everyone understands how the components of an organization’s plan loop back to the original vision of the group and individuals involved.
Tell an organization’s story with words and images
As the channels of communication continue to increase, a business or organization needs to promote its message through print, web and/or social media channels. The way a business or organization presents itself to the outside world —“ its look and feel”— is conveyed in many subtle ways through a variety of design choices, with which the principals of Philip Conkling & Associates have long and successful experience.
Identify key funding opportunities and partners
Philip Conkling & Associates have years of experience in crafting successful fund raising strategies for both non-profits and for-profit businesses. Through successful messaging and networking, the principals have directly raised many tens of millions of dollars in Maine, New England and at the national level, both through private individuals and foundations and government sources to help established organizations grow or leverage new start-ups.
Assemble research information to enable an organization to sustain its future.
Sustainability is the balance between growth and depletion, and is one of the key concepts of ecology that can be applied to organizational development. This concept, whether applied literally or metaphorically is based on the recognition that all parts of a system are connected.