Fox Island Wind Financing

© Peter Ralston

© Peter Ralston

Siting, financing and building a community wind project

CLIENT | Fox Islands Electric Cooperative


Fox Islands Wind (FIW) is the operating company that financed and built three 1,5 megawatt wind turbines that supplies all the electricity used by 2000 ratepayers for the communities of Vinalhaven and North Haven.


The Future -Peter Ralston

The Future -Peter Ralston

We serve on the board of directors that managed the wind company’s local, state and federal permitting process, secured its financing through the Rural Utilities Service (RUS) and a tax equity investor and the sale of its Renewable Energy Credits (RECs).


Renewable energy project siting and management presents opportunities for communities to secure long term stable electricity prices at cost effective rates.


Fox Islands Electric Cooperative | Island Institute | Cianbro Corporation | Diversified Communications | Partridge Foundation

Philip Conkling is one of the most intelligent, practical and effective individuals I know. His abilities as a consultant make him a valuable source of guidance for any organization that is working to be useful. I have total confidence in him.
— Horace Hildreth | Director, Diversified Communications